Tilling Roots & Seeds is an international cooperation project developed with the support of the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union, between Ars Electronica, Kilowatt, University of Barcelona and Quo Artis as lead partner. QUO ARTIS is an international nonprofit organisation dedicated to fostering linkages among the realms of art, science, technology and ecology, serving as a conduit between professionals in these domains. We aim to add value to society and culture by encouraging the creation of interdisciplinary and innovative projects.
Quo Artis Foundation is a member of the Council of Foundations for Science, promoted by FECYT (The Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology).
The values of our Foundation are:
- Promoting scientific, technological and artistic initiatives.
- Cooperation between communities of different origins.
- Contributing to social and cultural development.
- Innovation
QUO ARTIS is the lead partner of the european-funded project “Tilling Roots & Seeds”, developed in collaboration with Ars Electronica, Kilowatt and Universitat de Barcelona.
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